Wednesday, 9 March 2011


I was fluttering around Bloglandia today when I landed in Jamie Ridler's Studio and found her and a group of lovely people casting their wishes to the universe and inviting all to join. Well, now here was something different, for casting wishes is not something I'm particularly used to. Granting them is another matter of course!

This week Jamie is inviting us to speak of what gifts we wish to share. Being a Fairy Godmother, naturally I have many (although, as I explained in a previous post, regrettably I am still not able to turn pumpkins into coaches nor mice into men, handsome or otherwise - before anyone asks!). Under the Fairy Godmother Code page 9, paragraph 8.3.3 it does clearly state a rather tediously long list of gifts I am NOT allowed to share, although that is nothing compared to forbidden to utter secrets. However, I wouldn't be doing my job properly if I didn't share a few gifts with the aid of my magic wand here and there.

The biggest gift I ever give my charges is Self Belief. In fact, it's usually the first I pull out of my magic bag, for without self belief how would Rapunzel have ever got through those months locked in the tower? Would Cinderella have dared believe that she really could go to the ball? And would Julie have made Chief Exec with a childhood spent in and out of care (you probably don't know Julie's story quite as well as the others - her Fairy Godmother - yours truly - is not quite as famous as some of the others). Well, I've got news for you - you're all invited to that Ball and I'd love it if you waved your own wands, looked at yourselves in the mirror and cast your own spells.

The power to be what you want to be is in all of you. Just have faith and believe...


  1. I loved your post. As you wish for yourself and others, I wish for you as well.

  2. Thank you for that post Fairy Godmother.

  3. Love it...self belief is the bestest gift! As you wish for yourself & all Fairy Godmother, I wish too!!

  4. Such a beautiful post as make my heatr smile and my spirit fly..thankyou for sharing your Fairy Godmother magic..and to answer your quetsion..yes you are familiar to me...

  5. Love your post! And as you wish for yourself, so I wish for you as well!

  6. You have got no idea how you have raised my self worth, after reading your story this morning. All that stuff that has happened during the week just vanished, as if the wand touched me and cleared all my thoughts.
    Fairy Godmother, you are a gem!!

  7. EXACTLY THIS!!! Thank you so much for this! As you wish for yourself so I wish for you and all of us!

  8. Self Belief... that is the key. As Fairy Godmother wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  9. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you too. x Self Belief is always a marvellous gift!

  10. Wonderful, Fairy Godmother! As you wish for yourself, so I truly wish for you also!

  11. MMM I just love it!... i feel quite carried away within your lovely post Fairy Godmother you wish for yourself i wish for you also.

  12. Believe in yourself, best ever! As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well.
